Have you ever read the book of Revelation in the Bible? How long has it been since you read it? This revealing "trivia" quiz is designed to quirk your curiosity, puzzle your brain, and try your knowledge. It might reveal something about how much you know or think you know about the book. UPDATE Nov. 2. If you 100% - 80% (15-12 correct), let me know (PM or email) and I will send you a copy of my Bible Study book, The End of the Beginning, FREE + $5 shipping!! The answers are given from the ... View the Post
7 Life-Changing Truths from the Book of Revelation That You Need to Know Right Now!
The old man rested on a large granite rock and surveyed the scene. It had been a stiff climb, and he was winded. Behind him a small cave opened its mouth in the rocky hillside. It was a place to pray and meditate, and he came here as often as he could. The Apostle John was over ninety and every muscle in his body ached. He wiped his brow and drew a deep breath. The Mediterranean Sea glittered blue and white on the horizon, and closer, it resembled an emerald, sparkling in the morning sun ... View the Post
Aslan Is on the Move!
"What in the world is going on? How can I survive it? And what can I do about it?" Here are five things to look for as we approach the rapture of the church and the great tribulation, and how to stay sane in an insane world. "Aslan is on the move -- he may have landed already." Mr. Beaver spoke in hushed tones around the tiny table while Mrs. Beaver provided supper for the Pevensie children. When the children heard the name Aslan, they suddenly felt lighter, happier. As if there was ... View the Post
Prince Alexius, His Curse and His Crown
Prince Alexius, His Curse and His Crown available now in print or ebook at Amazon! Ancient Constantinople in all its beauty, grandeur, and opulence drew the young man, Basil Christopher Xavier, like a magnet. When he becomes the tutor and guardian for Prince Alexius, he feels he found his God-given calling in life. “He (Alexius) groaned and opened his eyes, reaching for my face. ‘Christo? The horses… they were grand, no?’ His eyelids, rimmed with luxuriant lashes, fell shut. … “Whether ... View the Post
Ten Seconds of Sheer Terror — Life Lessons From A Sneaker Wave
Ten seconds between life and death. It’s not very long, yet I learned important life lessons from a sneaker wave on the Oregon coast recently. Dan and I were visiting the beach to celebrate my birthday. The first morning, sunshine filtered through early morning mist on the beach. Sea gulls called their mournful cries over the sand, and the boom of the waves lured us to the water’s edge to see what we could see. I couldn’t wait to wet my toes in the salty water and feel the sea breeze lift ... View the Post
Turning Lead to Gold — 3 Strategies to Make It Work
The secret of turning lead to gold is part of the legends that make up folk lore and stories we tell children around campfires. But what if it really worked? The person who discovered this may well become another Warren Buffett or Bill Gates. It can be done, but at what cost? Turning lead to gold is one thing, but turning sorrows and troubles to joy exceeds that by far. Even better, turning evil to good is the best thing that could possibly be done on planet earth. Can it be done? How? It ... View the Post