The old man rested on a large granite rock and surveyed the scene.
It had been a stiff climb, and he was winded.
Behind him a small cave opened its mouth in the rocky hillside. It was a place to pray and meditate, and he came here as often as he could.
The Apostle John was over ninety and every muscle in his body ached. He wiped his brow and drew a deep breath.
The Mediterranean Sea glittered blue and white on the horizon, and closer, it resembled an emerald, sparkling in the morning sun with a life of its own. Ships plowed the water out on the sea, Roman galleys that carried supplies all over the world, powered by slaves who would survive only a few months in the fetid holds.
Closer to his vantage point, the encampment sprawled below him. They did not need a fence to contain the prisoners for there was no place to flee – only to the sea or inland.
The Romans posted guards along the beach and kept fires burning through the night. They didn’t care if the prisoners escaped inland because Patmos was uninhabited – there was no food, villages, or shelter. Besides, wild animals roamed the interior.
Anyone who tried to escape inland was found dead or dying.
Up here, he was free to breathe for a space. How he had survived the work, he did not know. All day they were required to haul heavy stones in baskets from the mines they had dug. The one good thing is that the political prisoners incarcerated here were fed decently. For that, he was grateful.
His once-white robe was tattered and dirty. His knees were bruised, his shoulders and back ached. Yet the effort was worth it. The Romans celebrated a holiday on this day, and they allowed the prisoners time to relax and rest.
Somehow, he felt God was calling him to the cliffside cave that day. He found a more comfortable perch, arranged his robe under his body, and sat in a little dell where a small, stunted oak tree struggled for life.
He spread his hands heavenward. “Oh, God. You can see me now. Please give me grace and mercy to endure this trial, Lord, and may I be a witness for You in this place.” He paused.
The air quivered. The light grew. A wind lifted his long, grey hair and brushed his face.
“Ah. Thank You, Lord, for Your kindness.”
But then something happened so inexplicable that he could never after relate to others how he felt in that moment. A Voice resonated on the vibrating air waves. A Presence drew nearer. It seemed the earth shook. The heavens opened.
“John!” A loud voice like a trumpet shook the air. He scrambled to his knees and put his face on the ground. The Voice thundered, “Write in a book…”
And he wrote.
We live in a world torn by politics, threatened by anarchists, confused by evil leaders, and mandated beyond reason by crazy laws.
Much like John in 60AD.
Many people in our world are angry, frustrated, and afraid. Acting out of panic and fear, people either hide away or rebel in the ugliest way possible. Riots, curfews, mandates and suicides become commonplace on the screens of our social and news media.
It looks hopeless.
Yet there is a way to survive and thrive in a world gone crazy.
It is of the upmost importance that you know it, study it, and obey it. Study Revelation to find hope and peace. It will help you through troubled times.
When the Covid-19 virus, as it has become known, hit Planet Earth in March 2020, many nations, including America, responded to the threat of imminent and terrible disease and death by completely locking down their countries.
Borders were closed. Businesses were shuttered, some to never re-open. Citizens were told to stay home.
We were instructed to wear masks, wash our hands frequently, keep six feet away from other people, never shake hands or give a hug, and most importantly, to blindly obey the authorities who were supposed to know the facts and were proclaiming mandates that further changed our way of living across the globe.
And, as if the virus wasn’t enough, we in America have suffered unrivaled and unrestrained rioting in our major cities, disrespect for our police force and armed forces, and the rise of anarchists and Marxists who want to destroy the very government, history and culture that gives them the freedom to do what they are doing.
In addition, America has been battered by unprecedented hurricanes, floods and fires.
We might very well ask what in the world is going on? How can we find hope in the face of this?
Yet God has the answer. The answer is found in His book, the Bible.
I stand amazed at the book of Revelation!
It has been preserved for us through the ages. It is what I regard as the finest, most beautiful and greatest of all the biblical writings. It stands at the last of the Bible, a testimony of God’s awesome grace and unending love, of His holiness, justice and sovereignty over the world.
It is full of light, love, grace, and joy.
We are taken to the very throne-room of heaven.
I feel sorry for John, for he had an almost impossible task, that of putting the indescribable into words.
Have you ever wondered what your loved ones see when they reach heaven? Open the book of Revelation, and you’ll get an idea of the glories found there. You will read of angels, cherubim, the 24 elders, golden streets, crowns, harps, and the very throne of God.
It is God’s final word, His revelation of His plan for the ages.
How dare we shun this wonderful book? How dare we think of it as dark and ugly and forbidding? How can we ignore the warning found in its pages?
It is God’s Word, my friend. He meant for you to read, understand, and obey. He did not write it in coded language. He meant for it be taken literally. When something was symbolic, the Apostle makes it very clear with the use of special words.
What is Revelation about? Read this article by David Jeremiah.
The End of the Beginning is a Bible study written for you to understand the book of Revelation and live out its principles.
We are standing at the very end of one age (the Age of Grace), and we are looking forward to the beginning of another age (the Kingdom Age).
In between the two lies a “no man’s land” of God’s judgment – 7 years of the Great Tribulation in which He purges the world of sin and redeems His own people, the Israelites. This paves the way for Christ’s return and His 1,000-year reign on earth.
Several years ago, I wrote a Bible study on the Revelation, using other study guides written by great men of the Word and of faith. When I presented this to my ladies Bible study group in the church where Dan and I ministered, several of the ladies said they did not want to study Revelation.
“Why?” I asked, astounded. I had been raised to believe in it, love it, and treasure it.
“Because it’s full of judgment, and I don’t want to go there,” the lady answered.
Others said it’s “scary” or they couldn’t understand it. I find that very sad.
I can’t begin to describe the benefits to your soul and spirit as you set aside time each day to look into this wonderful book.
As you understand God’s heart of love and grace, you will be able to see why He must judge sin and sinners. And you will rise up and shout, “Yay!” for the pure and righteous justice He brings to a world that is so broken and so evil.
“And behold, I am coming quickly. Blessed is he who heeds the words of the prophecy of this book.” Rev. 22:7
The book of Revelation stands as the last revealed Word of God to mankind. He wants us to know it, understand it, and obey it. There are 7 blessings in the book for those who read it with an honest heart. Do you want to be blessed by God?
Study Revelation to find hope and peace. It will help you through troubled times.
It is in plain language. God did not write it in a coded language that only the initiated can understand.
He has made it vibrantly comprehensible to all who will open the Book and read for themselves.
You don’t need a college degree to understand what is in this amazing book.
You don’t need a special vision or dream or gift to understand it.
You don’t even need to be a member of a church.
It is not scary, mysterious, or dark. It is light, truth, and the wisdom of God.
We are living in the “last days” before Christ returns to this earth to set up His kingdom.
Read my blog, “Aslan is on the move!” that explains this further.
What do you need to understand the book of Revelation?
1. You need God’s Spirit who is given to each person when they accept Jesus Christ for their sins.
2. You need a willingness to learn.
3. You need to set your priorities right so that you will take the time to read it and study it diligently. II Tim. 2:15. “Be diligent to present to yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed handling the word of truth.”
As the time draws closer for its fulfillment, many of the details of the book become clearer to us.
We study and understand the book of Revelation by the knowledge the Spirit of God gives to us, and we grasp it better by using the material others have written by God’s inspiration and giftedness.
Why do I feel qualified to write such a book?
1) I trained under gifted and inspired scholars of the Word of God at Multnomah University (School of the Bible), men such as Dr. John Mitchell, Dr. Aldrich, Dr. Congdon, and Dr. Needham.
2) I have taught Bible studies for most of our ministry lives, 40 years, and written nine of the Bible studies I taught to ladies groups.
3) I have studied Revelation for most of my life.
4) I love the Lord, I am an accomplished author, and I believe God has called me to do this work at this crucial time in our history.
I believe we are standing on the very verge of the rapture of the church.
Christ will call His people out of the world to be with Him in heaven. I Cor. 15:51-52, I Thess. 4:13-18
During the Great Tribulation, God is going to pour out His judgments on the earth and on all the ungodly and wicked people who have sinned in defiance of Him.
The judgments come in segments of threes with intervals between each set to give people a chance to repent and get right with God. This time is to prepare the way for Christ’s literal kingdom here on earth.
It will be abundantly clear what God people serve in those days – either the Creator and Redeemer God (Rev. 4 & 5), or the last great world dictator who poses as Christ (the Antichrist) and wins the allegiance and control of the whole world through the power of Satan who indwells his body.
I wrote this study with the aid of Bible scholars including Charles Swindoll, Warren Wiersbe, and Dr. Renald Showers. I also prepared a Leaders’ Guide as separate volume that will give the leader of the group the answers to many of the questions, making it possible for anyone to facilitate a group study.
The book can be used either for your own personal benefit, or in a group Bible study: for ladies, young adults, men’s groups, couples or in an adult Sunday school program.
By leading you through 31 lessons, including 4 chapters from the book of Daniel, this study will open your eyes to the future God has planned. You will look at Revelation literally (when possible), historically, and consecutively.
We can be ready for what God has for us in the future.
Here are 7 Life-Changing Truths that will give you HOPE and prepare you for the future God has for you. They are found in the book of Revelation.
- 1. God has a plan for this world and it is moving forward; therefore, we can trust and rest in Him.
We find hope in the book of Revelation as we see that God has a plan and He is moving to forward to the culmination of the ages. Part of the confusion and helplessness we feel as we are faced with unreasonable demands on us today (like no visiting in the hospitals) can be alleviated when we consider that God is in control, He has a plan for this world, and that plan is progressing to its completion.
In the book of Revelation, the perspective is from heaven, not of this world. We are taken with John up into the highest of heavens, to the very throne-room of God, and we are given a view into that holy place.
There is no confusion in the throne room of God.
There is no fear except for holy awe and amazement when you are in the presence of Jesus Christ.
His plan is to do away with sin and sinful people (those who reject His salvation found in Jesus Christ) forever. His plan is to redeem people from every race, nation and tongue who will praise Him and give Him the glory for eternity.
His plan is to bring peace, joy, purpose and meaning to each person who trusts in Him.
We do not need to fear tomorrow. Listen to this song by the Collingsworth family, Fear Not Tomorrow.
We should study Revelation to find hope and peace. It will help you through troubled times.
- 2. God is just; therefore, we can find peace of mind knowing He will set everything right that is wrong in our world.
God is just and all His ways, thoughts, and actions reflect His perfect justice and equity.
“Thee Lord is righteous within her, He will do no injustice. Every morning He brings His justice to light; He does not fail.” Zeph. 3:5
He will bring justice to those who refuse Him and His offer of salvation. He will champion the cause of unborn babies who have been slaughtered, young children and teens who have been enslaved and forced to do the most degrading acts known to man, the poor, disenfranchised, elderly, and the sick.
Hear these ancient, grand words, “Let justice roll down like waters and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.” Amos 5:23
Punishment is coming for those who rebel against God. It would be wise to humble yourselves, repent of your sin, and find His grace and mercy. Jam.4:6-10
- 3. God is merciful; therefore, we can rejoice in His mercy.
“The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in lovingkindness.” (Love and mercy combined) Psa. 103:8
This phrase (lovingkindness) and the term mercy and grace is repeated thousands of times throughout the Bible. The psalmist goes on to expand that thought in v. 17 of Psalm 103. “But the lovingkindness of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear Him, and His righteousness to children’s children.”
Even in the days of the Great Tribulation, you can trace His mercy and grace to the earth-dwellers.
How do we see it?
First of all, He pours out His wrath and judgment in three segments, each separated by a period of time, or lulls in the storms. This provides people time to think about it and decide if they want to obey God and believe in Him or go their own sinful way.
Secondly, God opens heaven at one point. It is rolled back like a scroll and those on the earth can see Him, see Jesus Christ sitting on the throne, see angels and the heavenly scene. (Rev. 6:14-17) Do people respond to Him even when they can see Him? No. They will shake their fists in the face of God and beg the mountains to fall on them rather than humble themselves and obey Him.
Thirdly, God provides missionaries and faithful prophets during those days who travel the earth, bearing the Gospel message that people should obey God and beg for His forgiveness. The 144,000 Jewish missionaries are part of this host. (Rev. 7) The two witnesses who resemble the prophets of the Old Testament also fill this role in God’s mercy to reach people during the Great Tribulation. (Rev. 11:1-19)
- 4. God’s will and timing is perfect, and it will be accomplished on this earth; therefore, we should know the will of God and begin doing it.
God has a plan and a purpose for the world. The good news is that He is working it out, and it will be accomplished. Nothing can stop His will, His purpose. It has all been ordained before the foundation of the world based on His foreknowledge.
“Also we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to His purpose who works all things after the counsel of His will.”
A point of wisdom is to fall into line with what He is doing and be a part of it. “Do not be foolish but understand what the will of the Lord is.” Eph. 5:11
By reading and studying Revelation, you will begin to see what God’s will for this world and for your life. He hates sin and will judge it even in the life of a Christian. (I Cor. 11:30-31) So we should walk in wisdom and seek to know His will and do it every day.
This gives us hope because we are not caught up in despair as we see evil triumph and wicked people ruling over us. We know God’s plan is moving forward.
To find God’s plan, we must study Revelation to find hope and peace. It will help you through troubled times.
Be a part of that plan.
“Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven,” Jesus taught us to pray. We should remember that and pray that way every day.
- 5. God is powerful. Jesus Christ will come and set everything right in this broken world; therefore, we should obey Him and follow Him with all our hearts.
He is the Creator God (Rev. 5) who spoke a word and all the worlds were created. How do you like that for power?
Paul explains to the Ephesians that God’s power is seen in creation and also in raising Christ from the dead. But the greatest display of His power is when He saved us from sin and created us a new creature. (Eph. 1:19-2:8)
Do you long to see the wicked punished and the righteous acclaimed? Does your heart wrench when you hear of great injustices done to people who have no power? That wicked people are allowed to murder, steal, rape, and destroy lives and get away with it?
Here is the solution to all that is wrong and broken is our world today.
Jesus Christ is returning to this earth with great power, authority, and righteousness. (Rev. 19) He will set things right. Remind yourself of this often and let this hope carry you through dark days.
- 6. God keeps His promises; therefore, we can trust Him to do what He says He will do.
“For as many as are the promises of God, in Him they are yes; therefore also through Him is our Amen to the glory of God.” I Cor. 1:20
“Let us hold fast our confidence without wavering for He who promised is faithful.” Heb. 10:23″
“But according to His promise, we are looking for a new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.” II Pet. 3:13
God kept the promises He made in the Old Testament concerning Christ’s first coming to the earth literally, faithfully, and in great detail, 351 one of them!
How can we doubt that He will not fulfill every prophecy in the Book concerning Christ’s second coming, His judgment of the earth, His kingdom and the eternal state literally, faithfully, and in great detail?
God keeps His promises.
The rainbow has been stolen from us by Satan to signify an evil, perverted sexual lifestyle. But it still stands today as a reminder that God keeps His promises, that He will not ever destroy the world again through a flood.
Next time, it will be destroyed by fire. (II Pet. 3:7)
As you contemplate the fact that God has promised to keep you and take you safely Home when it is His time, you should find great peace and hope.
Hold fast your confidence. Don’t let CBN, NBC, ABC or any other news or social media steal your peace and joy. The study of the book of Revelation will give you hope and help you through troubled times.
Read this excellent article to find out more about the Kingdom Age:
- 7. God is Sovereign, and His wrath is terribly real; therefore, we should live in awe of Him, in fear and respect for His Person and His power.
“For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth,, visible and invisible, whether throne or dominions or rulers or authorities — all things have been created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.” Col. 1:16-17
One of the most stirring scenes in the book of Revelation is found in chapter 5 where a book (scroll) is displayed that is sealed. No one is found worthy to open the book. John finds this very distressing and weeps loudly.
The book is the title deed for the earth, stolen by Satan when sin entered the world. Only one person in the whole universe has the right to open the seals and claim the title to the world. It is Jesus Christ by the fact that He created the world and He died for the sins of the world.
He claims the title deed. He is sovereign (king) over the world, and He has the right to do what He wants with it. I am so thankful He is a loving, merciful God! Yet His wrath is real for those who refuse His offer of salvation and continue in their sin.
“So that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.” Phil. 2:10-11
“From His mouth comes a sharp sword, so that with it He may strike down the nations, and He will rule them with a rod of iron; and He treads the winepress of the fierce wrath of God. And on His robe and on His thigh He has a name written, KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.” Rev. 19:15-16
Jesus told His disciples, “If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also.” Jn. 14:3
We as Christians have a marvelous future ahead of us. I believe in a literal 1,000-year reign of Christ on this earth, and the Bible tells us that we will reign with Him during that time.
We must live our lives here on earth in such a way that we can be ready to assume this vital role in Christ’s kingdom.
This gives us hope to continue on even in the darkest of days or through the hardest trials.
We know we will “throw our crowns at His feet” because He made it possible for us to get them in the first place, and we give Him all the honor and praise for everything we did on earth.
We study Revelation to find hope and peace. It will help you through troubled times. These nuggets are only just the beginning. To find more, read and study the book of Revelation.
God is on the move.
The Lion of Judah is roaring, and He is coming to bring justice, righteousness and peace to this world.
Be ready. He is coming soon.
“Behold, I am coming quickly and My reward is with Me.” Rev. 22:12
Please consider purchasing a copy of my book, The End of the Beginning, and its Leader’s Guide companion for your personal study or for a group in your home or church. You find a link on this website to purchase your copy or contact me and request a signed copy.
Be ready for that trumpet call!
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