Part One “He that has light within his own clear breast may sit in the center, and enjoy bright day: But he that hides a dark soul and foul thoughts benighted walks under the mid-day sun; Himself his own dungeon.” John Milton The old man shifted, hearing in his half-sleep the clink of chains. Pain shot up from his hips as he moved. His back hurt, too, and he knew if he walked, his feet would scream at him. It seemed everything hurt these days. The man next to him moved, too, and ... View the Post
How to Find Joy in the Snow — Three Strategies that Will Help You Stay Sane
We love snow and spent the first fifteen years of our married life in the snow country of British Columbia, Canada. Dan likes it so much that he doesn't mind shoveling it! And then, several years later, we spent a year and a half in Portland, Oregon where it only rained. We went on excursions to Mt. Hood to play in the snow, but that just wasn't the same as having it available right out your door. When we moved to Ekalaka, Montana, we arrived between two storm systems. They already had two ... View the Post
Ten Seconds of Sheer Terror — Life Lessons From A Sneaker Wave
Ten seconds between life and death. It’s not very long, yet I learned important life lessons from a sneaker wave on the Oregon coast recently. Dan and I were visiting the beach to celebrate my birthday. The first morning, sunshine filtered through early morning mist on the beach. Sea gulls called their mournful cries over the sand, and the boom of the waves lured us to the water’s edge to see what we could see. I couldn’t wait to wet my toes in the salty water and feel the sea breeze lift ... View the Post