Ah, the life of a pastor's family! Would you like a little peek behind the pulpit of what goes on in the pastor's family? Well, here's your chance. I am going to relate some stories of the life in the pastor's home, things that have happened to us that are funny, interesting, or downright scary. Whether we handled them well or not I will leave you to decide. Come along with me as I take you on quite a ride. There have been many times in our almost fifty years of full-time ministry that we ... View the Post
Fifteen Minutes to Live — From Paradise Here to Paradise There
Kauai, Hawaii. Say it out-loud. The name sounds like the lyrics of a song – poetic, beautiful. It seemed like a dream to be boarding a flight for Hawaii. For months, Dan and I had planned, saved, and anticipated the day when we would wing our way across the Pacific Ocean to celebrate one another and 48 years of married life. We left early January 9th from a snowy Spokane, shivering our way from the motel to the airport, pulling our luggage. We had over a foot of snow and freezing ... View the Post
Indiana Wendy and Thor Ginger in the Lost Crusade of the Wacky Sister’s Retreat
“This is not right.” Lost. It's a lonely word for someone who has come to a sister's retreat and figures on having lots of conversation. I sat in my car in the deserted parking lot of the city beach in Sandpoint, Idaho. It was past midnight. I was totally alone. I discovered that Sandpoint has no beach nightlife in October, so I was fairly safe. I saw no high life, low life, or life at all. I was lost in a town of 8,000 people, most of whom were all in bed, as I tried to find the train ... View the Post
Knock Their Socks Off — First Steps to Writing Amazing Fiction
You have an idea for a book, a blog, or an article that consumes your thoughts and sets your fingers tingling. You can’t wait to sit down and write. It is the most intriguing, interesting, captivating plot ever, filled with wonderful characters and amazing twists. In your mind, you can see it now: the finished project, a book with a compelling cover and large bold type across the front. And inside, it is filled with all the clever words you have amassed, sentence after sentence, paragraph after ... View the Post
Four Lives Down – God Answers Prayer
They say cats have nine lives. If this is true, then my cat had better find some more because he’s running out of them fast, and he’s only a year and a half old! We call him Taffy. It’s a strange name for a male kitten, but at the time we thought he was a female. My daughter, Sherry, said he had soft fur and a sweet temperment. It sounded like Taffy to me. When we discovered he was a male, we didn’t have the heart to change his name. But we should have. We should have called him Rocky. Or ... View the Post
Evacuation Level Three: Get Out NOW! — Are You Ready?
In our neck of the woods, fire has been on everyone's minds the last few weeks as we have had several raging close by. There are many people who have been called on the phone or have had a fireman knock on the door with the fearful news that they have to get out of their house. NOW! Evacuation Level One means to be ready to leave. Evacuation Level Two means to have your things packed, it may happen soon. Evacuation Level Three means: GET OUT NOW! I believe we have the same message from the ... View the Post