There it lies, this brand new year, like an empty page, a new beginning, a fresh start. We often make resolutions and set goals for ourselves. We want to fill those blank pages and start on a new adventure. Every year, I dutifully record my goals. Some of them I achieve, but others I do not. These promises I make to myself become like cotton candy -- sweet to my mouth, but soon evaporated and gone, leaving me with a bitter taste. And I have a feeling I'm not alone. How can I accomplish my ... View the Post
What Did Mary Really Know? Hope for Your Desperate Journeys
How can we obey God despite difficult circumstances? Maybe we should ask Mary. But what did she know? She knew she was bearing the Son of God in her womb, she knew ridicule and misunderstanding from almost everyone, and she knew joy. The kind of joy that comes through obedience to God's revealed will. We all have journeys that are difficult. What got Mary through and what can we learn from her story? It's not an easy journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem. Especially when you're pregnant. I ... View the Post
How to Be A Horrible Leader — Lessons from A Confused Turkey
Sometimes I blow it when I try to lead -- whether it's with my own children or grand-children, the kids in my Awana group, or the staff of volunteers for our VBS program. But one day I learned some valuable leadership lessons from an unusual sourceĀ -- a hen turkey. "Come on, you lazy chicks! Get out of bed! We have a lot to do today." Mrs. Turkey scolded, prodded, and threatened her chicks, but they remained obdurate, squeaking in the most annoying fashion as they huddled close together in ... View the Post
Six Awesome Medieval Fiction Series That Will Blow Your Mind
We all love a good story, and medieval fiction delivers a punch in suspense, mystery and romance. Like this one: A scream echoed through the night. Kendra covered her ears and crouched on the damp ground, scanning shadows under the big pine trees. The moon flitted moodily in and out behind clouds, giving an eerie atmosphere to the familiar woods. She could just see the light in the top tower of the castle through the trees. It was a welcome reminder that her home was not far away, maybe ... View the Post
6 Powerful Secrets to Reclaim Peace of Mind and Joy
Contentment is the lost ingredient of joy. Have you noticed how little joy there is in our world today? Where has it gone? Why did it leave? How can we get it back? Discontentment is stealing your joy. Have you ever noticed that no matter how much people have, they still want more? The advertising industry is built on this concept: create a need and then fill that need. Make people discontent with what they have and then show them how your product will fulfill their desires. Nearly ... View the Post
Seven Stupendous Ways to Improve Your Life Right Now
How can you improve the quality of your life? You can do it. Here's how: 1. Make wise choices. It begins with choices. We make them all the time, yet we often don't connect the choices we make with the quality of the life we lead. Sometimes we make really bad, foolish choices. Sometimes our choices are good and wise. How can we make consistently wise choices that will improve our lives? We met a man once who personified wise choices. Joe Waterman lived in Grangeville, Idaho. We met him when ... View the Post