Is this the end of the world?
Recent events with the recent COVID-19 pandemic and other catastrophes that have affected the entire world signal that the end days are on our doorsteps. The Judge and King, Jesus Christ, is standing at the door. He is ready to come and shake up this old world and judge sin.
The End of the Beginning Bible Study on the book of Revelation is an in-depth Bible study designed to teach the Word of God in a clear, understandable way for both individual and group study. Each lesson consists of information and questions to be answered from the text, both essay and fill in the blank. These questions will direct the student into the text and lead them to compare Scripture to Scripture to better understand it. Included are 4 chapters from the book of Daniel into this study because Daniel lays a foundation to grasp the truths in the book of Revelation.
This Leaders’ Guide will help you vascilitate the study in large or small groups. It provides answers to some of the questions, but to get the most out of the study, the leader should do their own workbook first, then compare with the guide. This guide is easy to follow and provides information that will help the teacher in the study of the book.
I take the literal view of Scripture unless the passage clearly states it is a figure of speech. I believe in a literal pre-tribulation rapture of the church, a literal 7-year Great Tribulation with a world dictator called the Antichrist, and a literal kingdom age where Christ will rule the world from Jerusalem for 1,000 years. The Bible must be taken literally to be understood as God meant it to be, and it must be studied diligently and correctly.
The book of Revelation is told from God’s perspective. You will be caught up with John to the “third” heaven, and witness the incredible and awesome things God does in these last days. Having gained a better understanding of what will happen next, you will find hope and peace about God being in control of world events, and joy in your daily walk as you grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
My prayer is that this Bible study will lead to a deeper passion for God and for His Word, and that passion will motivate many to share with those who are lost the hope we have in Christ Jesus.